Because most search firms only want to run a process, not be held accountable for the end result. And that's wrong. A bad hire in a key position is about the most disruptive situation any company ever has to endure. It sets you back in so many different ways. You lose money, both in terms of real costs and opportunity costs. There's damage control with your culture. Morale and productivity take a hit as well.
As one Private Equity executive summarized for us, "what really kills you is the time," which can never be recovered. Meanwhile, that other search firm? They're onto the next pitch leaving you to deal with a loss.
Unlike the brand-name firms, our results stick with us. It's why making a good hire matters even more. Because it often determines whether we get a shot at the next search.
Bottom line—use the search firm who is most aligned with your perspective.
You can't afford the cost of a bad hire.
And neither can we.